Sunday, August 26, 2018

Glory, or, The Fabric of Frenzy

Current state of affairs:

One of the the things I love the most is having a very favorite tank top to wear with the underwear that look like little shorts and curling up on my bed to write late at night after a productive and eventful day/night. On top of that, tonight, I have a favorite incense burning in the hallway. It is frankincense, but a particular, thicker stick and smoke.  It smells like campfire to me and makes me feel like the best of both worlds:  A slumber party and a bonfire- all panties; no mosquitoes.  What could be better?

I'm coming home late tonight.  This morning was filled with family and a little serious nephew I adore and over relate to. The highlight of this afternoon was the wait staff at a restaurant giving him a small bowl of chalk in which to draw on the chalkboard table. He immediately spilled the stumps of colored chalk onto the table and organized them into piles by color and just left them there.  Throughout the meal, if he started getting antsy or nutty, all I would have to do was reach over, grab one of the pieces of chalk, and place it into a pile other than the color of said chalk. He would immediately get quiet and serious again as he picked up the mismatched chalk and placed it into its proper pile.

Later on was filled with pre-semester preparations and postings.  I am very excited and have met some of the people who will be in my program. School starts on Monday: I can't wait!

Other than that, I've been having thoughts and conversations revolving around utopia/dystopia that have been satisfying and igniting in equal parts. I'm excited lately about chivalry and toughness; delicacy and security. I like feeling physically safe. I like feeling taken care of. I like feeling cared for. These three things are things that feel good to receive and to give.  They all lead to learning and love and, best of all, just straight up mthafkin joy.

Things feel good as of late. Big.Wide. Flourishing.

Keep the path, and keep linked with people who truly want you to grow. There is room for everybody here, but first you have to be able to see and believe that you are warmly invited.

You are.

Shout out to my friends that know the art of making a decently convincing fake blood batch in a pinch. Your genius and heart never end.

Be well; be loved,


(image via mudwerks tumblr)

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