Monday, August 13, 2018

The Action of Love, or, How Unconditional Love Doesn't Equate Just Letting People Be a Dicks

Unconditional love and acceptance is beautiful and healthy and appropriate on one level.  But on another level, there needs to be conditions. When you love somebody, without the condition of "I know what I need in order to be healthy and right with myself",  when that condition isn't asserted and maintained by you, then you're not doing a good job of love.  Because if you don't love yourself - in action- it's really hard to recognize when someone else is not loving you - in action.

                              -Jessica Lanyadoo

Today, it has officially become official. I have paid tuition and Bitch Betta Have My Education.  I can't wait. The next few months will let me know how this is going to roll and exactly how much I'm going to have to WORK (and werk, but that goes without saying) to support my success in this.

I've been reading nonstop in some sort of reactionary way before all of my reading is handed to me. So, for now, I continue on with texts on white fragility, on gorgeous literature critiquing academia while simultaneously giving love towards those who snuggle closely with people and books and ideas and conversations more readily than going to a packed bar on a Saturday night.

I feel the thirst of what I need in the back of my throat.  I feel the excitement in my fingertips of writing and page turning and shoulder tapping. I am also thrilled that tomorrow two fabulous people will be in town that I get to see and that I have also just received word from a best friend of a best friend who will also coming through town. We will make a party of it. Good people with good hearts all around.  Add some incredible food, sunshine and water, and there we are.

As an aside: I have been more present in my life in the past two and some months than I have in my life.  It feels incredible.  I'm on day 78 of meditation and let me tell you: It changes shit. 100. You see things more clearly and are just driven and attracted to what feels good. What feels right. What feels healthy. What feels open and hilarious and leaves you up at 11:30 at night laughing so hard there are tears streaming out of both of your eyes.

It feels good.

Be well; be loved.  Keep creating and please keep telling and showing me all about it.


(image: Come Back as a Flower No. 5 via 66lanvin tumblr)

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