Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Easy Smile: Those Diamonds That Just Are

I would like to start by thanking Gorilla Biscuits for the song Good Intentions.  (Ok, also thank you to the punk that was older than me that said, "You should listen to this.)

I'm 99% sure that song is responsible for why I don't tend to hang out with negative people.

"I'll just try my best.  You?  Nothing!"

Best lyric; best approach to life.


I just uploaded my fifteen page research paper I nerd-ed the fuck out on. It's a content and satisfied feeling. It was fun to do a deep dive into shit that I really care about. I have one more major thing to turn in, but that's on the 21st.  I'm  aiming to have it done on the 20th so that when T and I get together in our fabulous and weird outfits for a night on the town at last, I can be fully present:

Right on down to the chipped nail polish and leg wear I intend to be donning.

My head is in the game until then. Slow and steady may not win the race because it's an unfitting saying for academia, but it will definitely have me cross the finish line.

[Thank you, again, to the professor I want to befriend for being the kind of kind human I love.]


There was this tidbit of information I heard today that is both painfully and satisfyingly true:  That research shows over and over again that no type of "easy" learning sticks.

The comparison that was made had to do with sports. One person was talking about all of the tedious drills she would have to do in soccer, one had to do with playing pool, one had to do with tennis. But the end result was the forming of a synthesis between body and mind. Something between muscle memory and unconscious result/response.

I relate this, primarily, with language (both language learning and the practice of writing)- but also with thoughts and states of being. I'll write more on this at some point, but, for now, suffice it to say that there is such a profound feeling when one is propelled by the pull of openness and curiosity and is able to sustain it through practice.

It really does make everything in life so enjoyable.


Lastly, and somehow related to all of this, here is to that punk patch from back when that read:


be well; be loved; be fucking good to yourself because it actually assists you in being better to the people around you,


(image: Slick Woods)

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