Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fellowship of Familiar

Just after 10 am, Sunday morning. I have already had a house guest, gotten coffee, ran into a friend, and ran into an ex that is one of two people who live in this city that I used to date who I am actually not on good terms with.

Quite a bit for pre-10 am on a Sunday, but, at least I'm waking up.

(An aside: Lately I've felt proud of being on good terms with the majority of my exes. Some people don't understand how this is possible.  I don't understand how it could not be.  The people I've dated are fucking AWESOME.)


I'm diving back into my studies today.  It will feel good. Nourishing.  If there is one thing I have never felt ashamed of, it is learning and attempting to better my understanding of the world. I prefer it to loud parties, by far, but it is also something that makes me feel engaged in life in a larger sense.  To learn by the words people have written and have it inform how you interact with life without it having to be at the expense of someone.  Not that reading replaces human interaction.  Of course not. But I do think it valuable to school yourself on shit before you open your mouth and start talking like you know some shit.

Read some histories. Some ideas. Some struggles. Some lives.

Then get out there and let it inform all of it.


I have a new friend crush.  I'm determined to make him my friend.  He's smart, funny, and dresses like a Discord kid but is from Santiago, and not D.C.

More soon.


(photo: rockbandinsidemyheart tumblr)

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