Saturday, January 16, 2016

Open (Hello Fellow Human!) and Closed (Eat a Big Bowl of Fuck.)

When someone asks, "What's your name?", I usually tell them my first name and ask theirs. 

The exception to this is if it is late at night and I'm by myself. 

Tonight I learned that if you do that, a man could end up sitting next to you and thus pinning you in on the bus with an unplugged electric guitar making up songs to serenade you with that include your name until he finally gets off the bus.

Here are some other reasons from tonight that I usually don't work late on Friday nights. ("Late", here, meaning 7:00 pm)

"Are you involved in the arts? God has given me the gift of reading souls, and I can see this in yours."

"I love your shoes. You are very attractive. You're married aren't you?"


(The above came from different people on my way home.)

I want to know how to resist becoming an insular, unfriendly fucking asshole. Because that's not who I want to be.  But what is the line between being friendly in the way that conveys the faith I have in humans, and not getting harassed/becoming a target?

I want to know how to feel good about how I am presenting my gender any particular day and be able to come home without feeling annoyed/threatened/gross/bummed out by something some stranger has said to me.


(photo from sadviolences tumblr)

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