Thursday, September 6, 2018

Send to Me a Love Letter Written in the Ink of a Fearlessness You Have Never Known

What if the things I am learning about are so exciting and vital that they keep me up late at night reading and writing and talking with my fellow classmates?

Well, it means that I am doing exactly what I need to be doing.

Let me take a moment, here, to feel proud of what is going on and to mark its importance. I would like to shout out to Víctor who wrote one of my letters of recommendation (it will always pay to know punks who got so obsessive in their nerdiness that they somehow ended up in academia), and to Airen who wrote the other one- the bad ass intellectual organizing machine of glory who can throw down analysis as hard as he can, well, throw down, and to Sadie for being the person I sent admission essays back and forth with. Thank you to Lauro who made me feel blushingly capable when he introduced me to the head of the Spanish Department years ago and sung my intellectual praises. Thank you to Dani, one of my first Spanish professors who always let me go a bit off script with my assignments so that they would satisfy my particular intellectual thirst. Thank you to Juan Luís who, at some point, was only teaching to me because no one else in the class understood the Spanish and/or cared about the significance of Charlie Chaplin's speech in The Great Dictator.  Thank you to any and everyone who accepted me as the weirdo in the classroom who would always pick ridiculously specific topics but always come through on them. Thank you to the people who congratulated me on getting accepted, and the people who understood why I didn't really tell anyone I was doing this until I was doing this. Known or unknown to you, you have all been a part of a very necessary cheering section that made me feel less alone and more able to do all of this.

Thank you.

In other news, someone incredibly important to me and I have reconnected after a bit of time we needed to grow.  There are some people who come into your life for you to learn from, but are temporary.  Then there are the people who you know, no matter what, will always be in your life and heart in whatever capacity fits.  There had been only three loved ones who were far in this way.  With this one back in the day to day breath of love, there are only two. It's just a matter of time and chapters when it comes to love.  It is always there. It's just a matter of knowing when to say no or yes.

be well; be loved,



(image: from untrustyou tumblr)

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