Saturday, July 28, 2018

Shit Got Me In My Feelings/Gotta Be Real With It

While staying out until 4 in the morning is worth it at times (last night), what results the next day (today) is both elation (because I'm running on pure adrenaline), followed by fitful naps, followed by total emotional filterlessness.

In times of such emotional filterlessness, I separate myself from society as soon as I feel it coming on.  It's kind of hilarious, in ways. I have too much emotion, read a lot of books and listen to a lot of music, but fall asleep a lot during all of it.

In the end, I end up listening to Drake's In My Feelings and getting all emo, reflect too much, and then continue to jump out of my car door as I have been all month reenacting my In My Feelings Challenge and over and over again and aiming to not end up under the tire or any other unfortunate situation seen in  some of the fail reels.

But, fuck.

This shit has got me in my feelings.

It's passing. I just need to get to bed.


Are you riding?


P.S. I honestly think one of the best is in this video , the third or fourth person (red shirt; day glow shoes)

(title: lyrics from the song discussed)
(image from toutpourlamour-blog tumblr)

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