Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Lamp That Your Cat Knocked Over and Other Truths That Set Us Free


I am still stunned that I am now living in the same state as members of my family of origin, and it is amazing.


It is the last few weeks of this semester. I am excited and have exactly zero extra time. But that is okay. I have found my new favorite place in which to stash myself so that I am never found.


I've been imagining how Sarge would get involved in some of what is going on as of late. How he would use his ethical and ruled compass to shine a floodlight on some bullshit. I keep imagining how he and Scoob would interact. They are like adorable inverses but reflections of each other, somehow. Scoob preceded him by many years. They never had the chance to meet. Maybe one day.


Holy fuck and healing. I know it's completely cliche to talk about things like the 'power of love' and all of that kind of thing, but it is no joke. Things that feel like horrible mountains can disintegrate and fall with a puff into the ocean in a matter of moments, actions, words.

Family- every construction and/or birth of it- can, very literally, change your life. (Here, the words "change your life", again, falls flat. But, if you will, think about the actual words. Try and forget that it is an overly used string of words and truly try and feel the weight of the phrase).


Show the world who you are.  That beautifully wired heart and mind of yours. All of the pain that may be laced within it. All of the tastes and flavors that you prefer.

If I've ever told you that I love you, you can know that I have meant it and forever will.  It's not something I say often. It's something, only, that I mean and, somehow, I've always known who to say it to.

be well; be loved,


(image: Alberto Burri - Cretto, 1976. acrovinilico su polistirolo. via giampixxx tumblr)

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