Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Bass in Your Walk: The Sun on My Skin is a Baptism

Gender shit aside, I'm not going to lie: One of the things I love the  most about days like today (sunny and 80 degrees) is the feeling of the sun warming my shirt, and then the feeling of that warm shirt against my nipples.

It's fucking fabulous.

I've been listening to records lately. It makes me happy.  Although I have made a note to invest in a record player that matches the Technics one I used to have, I find something charming about the tinny sound of the one in my living room.

I'm gearing up to have a little house warming party, albeit a year after the fact. Thank you to a beautiful and gold-hearted sergeant  who helped me with the structure of where the fuck to put everything:  Although it is still in the process, your architecture is saving my ass in this process.

Highlights of this week include but are not limited to:

The juxtaposition of hot weather and the ice cold mandarin orange seltzer water I have been partial to as of late. (Thanks to Sarge for this one, too.)

A very tall, very buff uniformed firefighter who, when asked why he was able to give commands to bystanders in points of emergency simply responded, "Because it is what needs to be done. (pause) And because of that, I don't care if I hurt your feelings." I immediately fell in love with this witnessed moment of my life.

Although it  hasn't happened yet: Seeing Lani tonight.  It's been a while, and I truly look forward to it. I don't realize how much I feel in my own skin when I'm around particular types of queer punk femmes who are friends of mine.  It's nice to admire someone's perfect make up and style while being blown away by the analysis and thoughts coming out of their mind and mouth. And, although this may be a reactionary reason to look forward to it:  She doesn't have ulterior motives.  Right now I'm really trying to hone in on my friends who are...well...FRIENDS. And not trying to secretly spoon me or some shit.

(Speaking of friends and continuing the highlights): The plant clippings that Jodi gave me.  I don't know what or when it happened, but for the past 5 years or so I've just really been loving the shit out of having a good amount of plants around- living, growing, cleaning the air... The purple plant and the succulent are the two I'm most excited about. (No shade to the new ivy plant. I'm always a sucker for the plants that grow and curl and hug.)

The one lowlight that was kind of a highlight in its own right because it was fucking ridiculous: Me driving home yesterday during rush hour having just had a piece of dirt or a small piece of gravel go into my eye.  Sitting in the sun in slow moving traffic trying to use the straw in my water bottle as an emergency eye wash but resulting only in having one raccoon eye and the particle still being in my eye.

I still don't think it's out yet.

I'll just think of it as an optical hair shirt for my eye in some form of a mix between odd Catholic kink and my forever foppish road (read: catwalk)  to repentance. 

Be well; be loved,


(Image: It's been a while since I've put in an image of St. Sebastian.  Here is one by Sandro Botticilli.)
(title: Is, of course, a riff off of Lloyd Dobbler's line of "The rain on my car is a baptism" )

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