Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Microscope Eyepiece I Slid Inside of You, or, Endulging Your Fetish of Exactness


The other night evoked a conversation about the writing of Javier Marías. I will say that I absolutely respect and love his disregard for the unsaid rules of appropriate length of sentences and appropriate length of paragraphs.  I love the fact that a sentence can go on for half a page and that a paragraph can take up the majority of two pages.

I'm not going to pull a phrase succinct in its gorgeousness from one of his books. Rather, I will just pull a fragment of a fragment of one of his enjoyably drawn out ponderings and place it here:

But all this is pure conjecture and hypothesis, yet there are times when the lives of others, of another (the configuration of a life, its continuation, not a few mere steps), do depend on our decisions and vacillations, on our cowardice or daring, on our words and on our hands... 
                                          -- from A Heart So White


Everything feels so strangely alive. The people in my life, the conversations that have been happening, the connections that are coming out of thin air to lead me around the next corner and into the intriguing tunnel of stones and flickering lights.

I'm enjoying all that is unfolding.

There are points that I ponder the last year and all of its lessons. They all feel so good, so clear and so building.  Pieces of gold I take with me.  Not to barter with, but rather, to use to reflect the lights around me, to remind myself, and to share people who may need it more than I do. It's never a matter of depletion: Such giving has a way of offering unseen gifts, tenfold.


There was such a cute, lovable child standing there.

Chubby face, chubby legs, blond hair and that expression that says "What planet have been I brought to this time?"

Such strange cards we are all dealt.

Help each other out in ways that matter
and let some of that tenderness extend
to your own heart


be well; be loved,


(image: Marlon Teixeira via orphius tumblr)

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