Saturday, June 6, 2015

He Can't Keep His Wild Eyes On the Road: Springtime Ettiquette and DIY Spreader Bars

I've been wearing corsets, recently. The only kind I tend to wear: Steel boned and secret ones.  The kind I put on under t-shirts simply because I like the way they feel.

Tight and slightly uncomfortable; reassuring in their compression.

It is well past Spring, although it is just getting warm here.

You can feel the tension in the air. Hold it in your hands, and between your legs.  Strangers, usually timid, are more brazen these days. They will blurt out that they like your mouth, or will slip you their card with eager fingers and an expression that lets you know such a gesture goes against their usual motions.

It's an intriguing time of year.

It always is.

Such a collective dropping of masks and restraint.

Always slightly out of step it is no wonder that I find myself basking in the hidden fist of a corset these days.

I've never been one to let the weather dictate my reserve, I suppose.

It is only fitting that as the world blooms,

I am perfecting the art of swiveling up into a bud, once again.


(image Masquerade Ball Shadow Silhouette Venice Carnival via Doctor escozor tumblr)
(the title, of course, had to have a splice up of a Taylor Swift lyric.)

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