Let me tell you something: There are the times that you feel completely loved and lovable simply based on who loves you and how much and how complexly they do. Now is one of those times. Although it was the birthday of someone I love so deeply and who I respect to the end of the galaxy and back, somehow it was me that left feeling gifted.
I've always been of the school of thought that you should surround yourself with who you want to become. Be around those whose activism, politics, brains, fashion, artistic ability, well-read-ness, creativity, joy, hilarity, sexiness and every single other thing you can think of you wish to emulate, cultivate, and create synergy with.
There will be people who come into my life- for a month here, two years there- who will not be permanent. They won't be permanent because, although they have their own beauty I am certain- they are simply not who I want to be like. They are not who I look up to.
If you have been in my life for more than four years, I can guarantee you that I admire you. I respect you. I want to become more like who you are and what you put out into the world and into your friends. I am, in short, in a respectful and grounded state of awe of you. "Awe", here, not in the "I could never be like that..." type way, but, rather, in the "holy shit! This person is amazing. I want to live my life in a way that they respect. I want to build community in a way that they would approve of. I want to be a person that they want to have in their life." type way.
It doesn't matter how frequently we talk or hang out. If you are a person I text randomly every few months to talk about writing or politics or humor or art, you are one of these people.
In any case, it is something on my mind tonight.
Those beautiful and complex and historied lattices that we create that hold us together so that we may fall apart.
I love you.
And to those that are new and flirting about in the margins: I invite you. This isn't the lipstick-wearing boar's clubs that I have seen: The ones who keep people out. Who cackle and are cool. Who are careful with their words in a way that only monolingual and monocultural people can be.
We are big. We are beautiful. We are bright. We are complex. We are sloppy. We are awkward. We are loud. We are quiet. We are jagged. We are smooth. We are loving.
We are loved.
be well; be loved; be the person you want to be for the people who you love.
(image: Grace Jones via whiskeyboat tumblr)