Saturday, June 30, 2018

Poem Written and Folded Into a Paper Airplane and Dropped From a Hospital Window

One night you told me that if you had one wish that night
it would be sleeping next to me
The ferry was late
I was asleep

I felt proud I had enough clean laundry to leave a towel, a washcloth, and a t-shirt
out for you when you came in
I've always only been able to be slightly higher
than janky as fuck
(Your height above this
has always been something I have admired)

I cleaned my tub out real well
and had the soap you liked to use
I thought too much about the shower rug
because it had been six months
and you had never showered at my house before

I knew the lit candles while I was sleeping
would probably stress you out
but they were too sweet
to extinguish
You climbed into bed and
I could have held you for the rest of my life

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