Sunday, July 22, 2018

Let It Fall: The Beauty, in Sound, of Shedding Skin

Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon.  We may ask what is relevant, but anything beyond that is dangerous. 

He's a liar. The demon is a liar.

He will lie to confuse us, but he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us.  The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don't listen to him. 

Remember that: Do not listen.

--Father Merrin,  The Exorcist

Last night was beautiful. Community appreciation and recognition of leaders and bad asses with hearts and minds of gold are no joke. When I think of how to combat some of what is going on in the world, this is part of it.  This kind of community building is part of it.  I feel incredibly honored to be in the presence of leaders from all sorts of generations and backgrounds. Their hilarity and humility is contagious.

I've been listening to the set that M did for KEXP back closer to the beginning of the year.  It's fucking incredible and keeps getting into my dreams.  The first time I listened to it, I dreamt of water for three nights straight.  I enjoy being able to ask him about it and investigate some of the more eerie samples. Fuck yes to artists and art and having them sitting right across from you at midnight to smile with and open.

Create what you want, need, and desire to see in this life,


(Image via humanoidhistory tumblr: The ancient Roman ruins at Baalbek, Lebanon, February 1970)

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