I had gotten up early this AM to do some reading, homework and to act like I am a person who gets up early every morning. So far I have a cup of coffee, some downloaded readings, and a stack of jalapeƱo bagels in a crinkly plastic bag.
One step at a time.
If you have not read it yet, I would suggest reading Sonya Renee Taylor's The Body is Not an Apology. In particular, I would recommend the audio version of it, if it is accessible to you. Sonya Renee Taylor was in some of the same circles as I was at a point in time, and her reading voice - her reading or spitting her own words, in particular- is amazing. The epigraph and prologue, alone, had me tearing up. She writes an ode to her mother's belly in the very beginning of the book that will squeeze, ruin and save you- all in the course of less than two minutes.
It is a necessary read.
As I sit here, gearing up, I am surrounded by a string of lights that have bulbs on them the exact size of my palm. It creates the feeling of light illuminating from my palms, and I find it both comforting and sublime.
be well; be loved,
(image: Anjelica Huston, 1972, Bob Richardson via Secretcinema1 Tumblr)