Sunday, March 31, 2019

Time Bandits, or, Will You Tell Me What Matters Again With That Blush Upon Your Face


Just under a year ago, I sung Happy Birthday into a recording device for a person who didn't want to talk to me.  It was recorded just after midnight- marking the beginning of their birthday.  She asked me for it at some point soon after, when she was talking to me again. I didn't send it. I still have the recording. I don't know why.


Last week, the community stood up to a bully who somehow thought it appropriate to be on a panel for the local independent music radio station about 'how to create safer spaces in music'.  She got pulled from the panel. Victories and validation happen in small, but profound places.


Today I sprawled across the fake lawn of a perk that is always overpopulated on sunny days with a beautiful heart. We talked about disguises and different moments of hiding from the police. While she told me about sitting very still at night as a search light ran over and past her body, I studied the complexity of color within her eyes that only the sun can reveal.


Time is a strange one.

There are cyclical structures that serve to measure and haunt.

Make sure that the ghosts  you pluck from that universal web around us all

are those you want

to dwell within you.

be well; be loved,


(image:  a book and fresh flowers made and sent to me not quite five years ago)


Friday, March 8, 2019

Charmed Objects, or, Why Everyone in the Meeting Was Mesmorized By the Offwhite Mug You Gave Me

The universe is so beautiful in both its trickery of lesson, and its delivery of fate.

The past month has been incredible. I don't know if words will ever be able to aptly describe what has come into my life.

For tonight, I will simply enjoy the smells of cooking. Wild rice and steam; fresh bread and the heat of the oven.

I don't think I have been this consistently happy in, perhaps, the entirety of my life.

Be well; be loved:

The universe has a way of creating exactly what you believe you will get.

Keep your thoughts to glory's height.


(image: Bird in Space, 1928, Brancusi via giampixxx tumblr)