2016 comes to a close.
And while it was a suck hole of a year, I still can say:
I am happier, healthier, having more fun, feeling more content, more committed, more loved, more held, more able, more excited, more blessed, more fabulous, and more generous, more adventurous, and more connected than ever before.
The things I decided to change at the beginning of 2016 I hunkered down, stuck to, and changed.
The things I set to achieve in the beginning of 2016 have come to fruition times a thousand.
It feels good.
While there are plenty of reasons to mourn, rage, and organize on both personal and political levels, I'm going to keep this entry to a particular and needed personal note.
Said simply:
Set what is your true heart's desire within your frame of vision.
Even if it's only in your mind.
Especially if it's only in your mind.
Pay attention.
Take risks.
The universe will conspire to assist you.
To lift you.
Typing from high atop a mountain I never realized existed at this time last year,
until I dreamt of it,
(image: Shyloh Wilkinson by Matthew Pandolfe via endarkenment tumblr)